2. 捐款者資料 Donor Information |
公司名稱 Company Name: |
稱呼 Title: |
姓名 Name *: |
性別 Sex: |
男 Male
女 Female
地址 Address: (用作郵寄捐款收據用途,如需郵寄捐款收據請填寫詳細地址 It is used for receipt issuance. If you request donation receipt, please fill in complete address.) |
* 為必須輸入資料 Required fields |
3. 注意事項 Note: |
- 你的個人資料將會絕對保密。
Your personal data will be kept strictly confidential.
- 你的個人資料將用作發行捐款收據、通訊、籌募本會經費及收集意見之用途。我們可能將有關資料提供予第三者服務供應人推行有關運作,但所有資料均絕對保密。
We shall use your personal data for issuing receipts, fostering communications, raising funds and conducting surveys for our agency. We may furnish your data on a strictly confidential basis to third parties who provide service to us in relation thereto.
- 如想成為協青之友『領導人』 有關協青之友,詳情請瀏覽www.yo.org.hk/thank_FOYO2020.html
To become a Leader of Friends of YO. For reference, please refer to www.yo.org.hk/thank_FOYO2020.html
HK$100,000或以上成為『鑽石領導人』 Diamond Leader: HK$100,000 or above HK$50,000至$99,999成為『翡翠領導人』 Jade Leader: HK$50,000 to $99,999 HK$30,000至$49,999成為『珍珠領導人』 Pearl Leader: HK$30,000 to $49,999
備註: 一年內累積捐款港幣一百元或以上可憑收據在香港申請免稅。 NOTE: Donations of HK$100 or above annually are tax deductible with a receipt in Hong Kong.