本人願意奉獻支持 貴機構作以下用途 I would like to make a donation for the following purpose
1. 奉獻資料 Donation Information
奉獻用途 Donation Designation *: (請選擇 Please select)
支持同工姓名 / 其他事工名稱 Staff Name / Other Ministry:
奉獻金額 Donation Amount *: 港幣 HK$1,000
港幣 HK$500
港幣 HK$100
其他 Others: 港幣 HK$ 
       建議奉獻金額不少於港幣 $100
       Recommended donation amount should not be less than HK$100
是否需要奉獻收據? Do you need a receipt? * 是 Yes 否 No
收據類別 Receipt Type *: 按次 Every single time
年度 Annual
2. 奉獻者資料 Donor Information
奉獻者編號(如有) Donor ID:
姓名 / 機構名稱 Name *:
姓名 Name
  機構名稱 Agency Name
稱呼 Title:
性別 Sex: 男 Male 女 Female
地址 Address *: (用作郵寄奉獻收據用途,如需郵寄奉獻收據請填寫詳細地址 It is used for receipt issuance. If you request donation receipt, please fill in complete address.)
  室 Flat/Room
  樓 Floor
  座 Block
  大廈/樓宇名稱 Name of Building/House
  屋苑/屋村名稱 Name of Estate
  街道 Street Name / 街道號碼 Street No.
  郵區編號 Postal Code
地區 District *
香港以外地區 Areas outside HK *
聯絡電話 Telephone No. *:  
手提電話 Mobile Phone No.:
傳真 Fax No.:
電郵 Email *:  
* 為必須輸入資料 Required fields
3. 注意事項 Note:
  • 你的個人資料將會絕對保密。
    Your personal data will be kept strictly confidential.
  • 奉獻港幣壹佰圓或以上,可憑收據獲稅項寬減。
    Donation over HK$100 is tax deductible with official receipts.
  • 閣下所提供的資料,只用作寄發收據、通訊、本會內部記錄及日後聯絡之用。歡迎閣下日後向本會查詢或提出修訂個人資料的需要。
    All information provided with be used for issuing receipts, newsletters, internal records and future correspondence only. Further enquries or request change of personal data are welcome.
  • 若不願意繼續收到本會資訊,請選取下面方格。
    If you prefer not to receive any further mailings from us, please select the below box.

    不願意收取電郵資料 Prefer not to receive e-publications
    不願意收取郵寄資訊 Prefer not to receive mailing publications
  • 閣下向本機構所提供的個人資料,純屬自願。而本機構向閣下所要求提供的資料,是本機構向閣下履行所要求的捐款指示及安排所必須的。如閣下未能提供足夠個人資料,本機構有可能無法處理閣下提出的捐款指示及安排或向閣下提供所需服務。

    Our collection of personal information is solely on a voluntary basis. The personal information that we have requested is necessary for the process of your donation requests. Therefore, if the information you provide is insufficient, One Circle may not be able to process the donations according to your instructions and arrangements, or to provide you with the required services.


    The personal information you provide will be used by relevant and designated staff. In addition, auditors and relevant government monitoring agencies may also be able to access the data, when they inspect and assess the financial status and performance of One Circle.

    For further enquiry, please contact us at
    電話 Tel: 3955 3955
    電郵 Email: [email protected]