本人願意捐款至 貴機構作以下用途 I would like to make a donation for the following purpose
1. 捐款資料 Donation Information
捐款用途 Donation Designation *:
捐款金額 Donation Amount *: 港幣 HK$1,000
港幣 HK$500
港幣 HK$100
其他 Others: 港幣 HK$ 
       建議捐款金額不少於港幣 $100
       Recommended donation amount should not be less than HK$100
捐款類別 Donation Type *: 個人捐款 Personal Donation
公司捐款 Company Donation
是否需要捐款收據? Do you need a receipt? 是 Yes
否 No
2. 捐款者資料 Donor Information
公司名稱 Company Name:
稱呼 Title:
姓名 Name *:
姓氏 Surname
  名 Other Names
性別 Sex: 男 Male 女 Female
地址 Address: (用作郵寄捐款收據用途,如需郵寄捐款收據請填寫詳細地址 It is used for receipt issuance. If you request donation receipt, please fill in complete address.)
  室 Flat/Room
  樓 Floor
  座 Block
  大廈/樓宇名稱 Name of Building/House
  屋苑/屋村名稱 Name of Estate
  街道 Street Name
  街道號碼 Street No.
地區 District *
香港以外地區 Areas outside HK *
聯絡電話 Telephone No. *:  
手提電話 Mobile Phone No.:
傳真 Fax No.:
電郵 Email *:  
* 為必須輸入資料 Required fields
3. 注意事項 Note:
  • 你的個人資料將會絕對保密。
    Your personal data will be kept strictly confidential.
  • 你的個人資料將用作發行捐款收據、通訊、籌募本會經費及收集意見之用途。我們可能將有關資料提供予第三者服務供應人推行有關運作,但所有資料均絕對保密。
    We shall use your personal data for issuing receipts, fostering communications, raising funds and conducting surveys for our agency. We may furnish your data on a strictly confidential basis to third parties who provide service to us in relation thereto.
  • 若不願意繼續收到本會資訊,請選取下面方格。
    If you prefer not to receive any further mailings from us, please select the below box.

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    不願意收取郵寄資訊 Prefer not to receive mailing publications
  • 多謝您的捐款!
    Thank you for your support!